If you were convinced that Chris' only expertise was The Godfather and its progeny, you'll be forgiven for choking on your corn flakes last Wednesday. Chris was quoted on the first page of the business section of the San Francisco Chronicle (above the fold, of course). Read beyond the initial quote so you don't miss the real gem, wherein Chris offers an analogy that the masses (and the Centers for Disease Control) can understand. Chris, we salute your mastery of all things financial. Won't you supervise our investments for us?
If your edition is already lining the birdcage, here's a link: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2008/10/22/BUGO13LRFS.DTL&hw=christopher+browne&sn=001&sc=1000
Oct 27, 2008
Chris explains the financial crisis
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Oct 20, 2008
Havana Nocturne was full of fun anecdotal facts but, as Andrew says, the book was short on theory and failed to provide adequate historical context for either the mob's activities or the Cuban revolution. By bogging down in detail, the author misses an opportunity to capture our imaginations. Most of us come away saying "so what" rather than understanding the significance of one of the most profound revolutions in modern history.
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Oct 18, 2008
Jeff's Montecito Nocturne
Jeff knew from the outset exactly how to fête us, Cubano style. Last Wednesday, with food from Sol, plenty of rum, a temperate outdoors setting, and the aromatic smell of imported Honduran and Dominican leaf, we were transported back to Havana’s Malecón a la 1958.
Jeff’s reticence on the biographical front was set aside long enough for us to learn that he interrupted his classical education (between Andover and Berkeley) to ship out with Royal Viking at the tender age of 19. He wouldn’t disclose his cruise duties, but since it’s well known that he later courted his wife aboard ship, we can only deduce that Jeff’s manly attractions helped him succeed with Royal Viking too!
The Book
Havana Nocturne: How the Mob Owned Cuba—And Then Lost It to the Revolution was reminiscent of Positively Fifth Street: Murderers, Cheetahs, and Binion’s World Series of Poker in one sense: just as McManus sought to connect the Ted Binion murder trial with the drama of the World Series of Poker, T.J. English spends much of his time educating the reader on the history of the American Mob and the seeds of the Cuban Revolution in order to conjoin the two. Neither author succeeds in linking his two subjects as seamlessly as his book’s subtitle would suggest.
T.J. English set out to persuade us that the mob owned and lost Cuba to the fidelistas. None of us was convinced that the mob exerted that much control over Batista, much less the rest of the Cuban economy, but most of us felt well educated by English’s efforts. Even Stan, with his master’s in Latin American studies, and Chris, with his family’s ties to Latin America and his personal passion for all things mafiosi, were suitably impressed by the depth of research demonstrated by the 45 pages of endnotes.
As a group, we were split on how much we enjoyed the book. Many felt better informed about the Mafia and the Cuban Revolution (Glenn and Dean, for example), but some had misgivings about the quality of the writing (Peter), the loose editing (Larry), the digressive quality of the narrative (yes, every single American mobster from 1920 to 1960 was mentioned anecdotally in this book about Cuba!), and the ambitious conclusions English draws at the end of each chapter.
So, while we were compelled by the subject matter, we were less attracted to its presentation. That may explain why so many couldn’t seem to finish the book before the meeting, but insisted they would later. (Next month we’ll ask Dan, Dean, John, Armando, and Jack if they made it.) Our rating reflected our mixed reactions: Havana Nocturne pulled down a middling 6.0.
Dean suggested four unusually disparate titles for our reading next month. We were a little intimidated by Salman Rushdie (whose Satanic Verses is reputed to be among the most admired but least read titles of all Booker winners), unimpressed by Buford (sorry, Dean), and split between another Philip Roth novel and an easy collection of Jack London short stories. In a surprise vote, Jack London’s Tales of the Fish Patrol won a strong plurality. Next month, we’ll see how well London’s early musings on San Francisco Bay hold up.
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Labels: Jeff
Oct 16, 2008
Bloggin Literate
After one year of membership, I now feel fully engaged with the club since I can now blog. Please enjoy with me my entering into 2004. (I think that's when blogging became mainstream.) Like Mrs. Palin, who was discussed in a number of conversations last night, I don't use g at the ends of my words, so I will always be bloggin.
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Oct 14, 2008
Dean's Book Choices for November
After much heavy thought and pondering, here are my selections for November:
1. The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie: In honor of the 20-year anniversary of its publishing, it is a book I have never read but have wanted to. It is very lengthy--over our 500 page criteria. Have it be noted that this book lost to Oscar and Lucinda for the 1988 Booker Award.
2. Among the Thugs by Bill Buford: What you've been waiting for. A stimulating book that most may never read without my prompting. Have it be noted that Toobin referenced Buford in The Nine.
3. American Pastoral by Philip Roth: Pulitzer prize winner in 1998. I've not read it. Has current reference to Obama's friends, the Weather Underground.
4. Tales of the Fish Patrol by Jack London: A series of short stories set right here in SF Bay and at China Camp (easy read). Never read it but always wanted to.
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Oct 4, 2008
Hats off to the Woodhead boys!
Jeff, our host next month, is an accomplished fellow in his own right, but yesterday's Marin I.J. article was all about his two fine boys, Dylan and Quinn. You can read about their plans to swim the Tiburon Mile by clicking the following link: http://www.marinij.com/marinnews/ci_10622763?IADID=Search-www.marinij.com-www.marinij.com
Way to go, Jeff and Laura!
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